Liquid Facelift New York City
There are many patients who for one reason or another choose not to have surgery or are not good candidates for surgery based on medical grounds. Yet, many of these patients want to look their best r both personal and professional reasons. The “Liquid Facelift” is the use injectable materials to enhance contours, reduce wrinkles, even out discrepancies, and give a more refreshed and youthful look. Dr. Simone will counsel each patient with an individualized treatment plan taking into account the patient’s goals, the anatomical findings and problems observed, the patient’s willingness to move quickly or slowly and the economic factors of cost. Treatments can be done in one or two sessions or as a gradual process over time, layering the injectable materials to achieve the final result. The “Liquid Facelift” can be enhanced with the use of periodic microdermabrasion as well as light skin peels as part of a skin care regime.
Depending on the findings and the goals of treatment, it may involve using one or combination of the following injectables: